Two Step Dance Basic Patterns

Every beginner country dancer needs to learn the basic patterns for country two step. If you want to learn how to country two step, also called progressive two-step, you’re in the right place. Two step is a fun dance that travels around the line of dance with walks and spins to fast country music. First, we need to master the basic steps. Below is a simple syllabus to get you started on the basic two step patterns as a beginner.

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What is Country Two Step?

Country Two Step also known as Texas Two Step is a fun social dance seen in dance halls and country bars all over north america! It’s a partner dance that follows a counter clockwise pattern around the dance floor with lots of spins and wraps. Although it’s typically done to country music, there is plenty of two stepping done to non country music as well!

What is Texas Two Step?

Is it different from Country Two Step, Triple Two Step or Nightclub Two Step?

Texas Two Step is essentially the same as Country Two Step!

It IS different from Triple Two Step and Nightclub Two Step (don’t worry we will explain below)

This is what the basics of Country Two Step AKA Texas Two Step look like.

Remember dance is like language. You’ll find different accents in language across the country just like you’ll find different versions of two step across the country as well. Rest assured Country Two Step and Texas Two Step is all the same dance with slight regional differences.

However there are ‘two steps’ associated with country dancing that ARE different.

Triple Two Step and Nightclub Two Step (AKA Nightclub) are totally different.

What is Triple Two Step AKA Triple Two?

This is NOT Texas Two Step nor Country Two step!

It is it’s own form of two step thought. Confused?

Don’t worry we will make it clear as we go 🙂

What is Nightclub Two Step?

This is NOT Texas Two Step nor Country Two Step!

To avoid confusion this dance has changed its name and is just known as Nightclub.

Slightly less confusing 🙂

Country Two Step Basic Patterns

Ok now it’s time to learn the Country Two Step Basic patterns In this beginner two step tutorial you’ll lean all the basic patterns you need to look great on the dance floor, even as a beginner! Lean the basic, the outside turns, the inside turns and the couples turns!

Country Two Step Beginner Patterns

Below is a list of individual patterns that you’ll need to know as a beginner. These are the country two step basics that you’ll need to know to feel comfortable in a honky tonk, dance hall or dance studio anywhere in the world! Sometimes two step is called traveling west coast swing.

Forward Basic in country two step

The man traveling forward and the lady backward in closed or open dance position, walking with a series of four walks to the basic timing of quick, quick, slow, slow. Walks may be dance with either a heel or toe lead. This is a debatable topic among many dance professionals, with camps on both side of the fence (or should I say foot)?! An alternate timing is to count by the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5 (holding counts 4 and 6, as they are part of the slow beat).

Backward basic and transition from forward to backward for country two step

This is the same as the first pattern, except the man travels backward while the lady walks forward. To transition from the forward basic to the backward basic, there needs to be a few side steps or chasses to smooth the change of direction.

Lady’s Right Turn ending in Promenade for country two step

The man preps the lady for a right, or outside turn, on the second slow. He leads her spin on the quick, quick, and finishes in frame in the promenade position, with both the leader and follower facing the line of dance, ready for the next pattern.

Lady’s Left Turn to Wrap for country two step

The man preps a left or inside turn for the lady on counts slow, slow, by leading a subtle swivel action with his hands and body. The follower turns to the left on the quick, quick, with her arms wrapping up into the cuddle position around her waist.

Lady’s Right Turn to Back Line of Dance for country two step

The man follows the same procedure as the previous right turn for the lady, except finishes with both partners backing the line of dance. This is the preparation for one of the most popular basic patterns, often referred to as a weave or lace. The free arm may be stylized straight out to the side for both the leader and the follower.

Chasse to Forward Line and Back Line

A chasse (or side together side) is danced facing your partner, first ending in a cross over break line, and then repeated to end in the original line, backing the line of dance.

Patty cake Vine

This combines elements of the chasse with the popular grapevine, which cross back, side, and front. Lady’s left turn to back line of dance or face partners. An inside turn for the lady is a great way to transition to different positions on the floor and to end the current position. Inside turns are generally easier for the follower to dance well.

Check weave

This pattern is the heart of the dance. Many intermediate and advanced patterns stem from this one beginner pattern. So it is very important to master and understand the connections for this figure. This step involves an inside turn for the lady. This is similar to the check weave except is danced with a lady’s outside turn, instead of an inside turn.

Two Step Dance Moves

There are an endless set of two step dance moves you can learn. First you need to master the basics. Then the followers have to be comfortable with their spins and turns in two step. Once you’re comfortable, it’s time to start learning some new patterns. The best way to learn them is with a membership to our website. It’s like Netflix for Dancers! All the moves are laid out step by step so you never have to worry if the next pattern you’re learning is within your skill set. We’ve taken the guesswork out. Give it a try!

Country Two Step Music

Now that you’re dancing you’ll need some tunes to dance to. We’ve got you covered. On the other side you’ll get our top 10 Two Step Dance tunes as well as over 100 songs that you can practice to. We have lists for country music lovers AND music suggestions for non country music as well. Winner. See our Country Two Step Song List here.

The next big step in learning how to two step dance!

Inside our members area we have 0ver 500 instructional videos to help you learn all styles of country dance. Two Step, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Nightclub, Waltz and more. You can grab a free membership and get access to 50 videos to help you improve totally FREE. Grab your Free Membership


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